The smart way to monitor your assets

Scale your monitoring-as-code in Checkly with our Pulumi provider to monitor large websites and APIs without a hitch.

checkly code
new checkly.Check("api-check", {
  type: "API",
  name: "Get public product listing",
  activated: true,
  frequency: 10,
  locations: ["us-east-1"],
  request: {
    method: "GET",
    url: "https://webshop.com/api/products",
    assertions: [
        source: "STATUS_CODE",
        comparison: "EQUALS",
        target: 200

Your app’s code lives in source control.
Your monitoring should too.

checkly code

Goes with your workflow

Already using Pulumi for your Infrastructure as Code (IaC)? Just plug the Pulumi provider into your pipeline and automate your monitoring, too!

checkly code

Increased transparency

Keep an eye on your releases and rollbacks by declaring your checks as code and aligning your monitoring with your favorite cloud resources provider.

checkly code

One setup for local and cloud

Easily develop and test your checks locally, push to source control, and apply changes automatically.

Provision your monitoring infrastructure in seconds

Handling your checks, groups, alerts and other monitoring resources should never stop you from shipping code efficiently or having better visibility.


// Create your first Browser check
new checkly.Check("add-product-to-cart", {
  type: "BROWSER",
  name: "Add to cart",
  activated: true,
  frequency: 5,
  locations: ["us-east-1", "eu-central-1"],
  script: readFileSync("./__checks__/add-to-cart.js", "utf-8")
// Create new group
const group = new checkly.CheckGroup("cart", {
  name: "Product and cart",
  activated: true,
  concurrency: 1,
  apiCheckDefaults: {},
  locations: ["eu-west-1", "eu-central-1"],
  tags: ["pulumi"],
  useGlobalAlertSettings: true,
  privateLocations: []

new checkly.Check("fetch-products", {
  type: "API",
  name: "Fetch products",
  activated: true,
  frequency: 10,
  locations: ["us-east-1", "eu-central-1"],
  request: {
    method: "GET",
    url: "https://webshop.com/products",
    assertions: [
        source: "STATUS_CODE",
        comparison: "EQUALS",
        target: 200
  // Assign check to group
  groupId: group.id.apply(id => parseInt(id))

new checkly.Check("add-product-to-cart", {
  type: "BROWSER",
  name: "Add to cart",
  activated: true,
  frequency: 5,
  locations: ["us-east-1", "eu-central-1"],
  script: readFileSync("./__checks__/add-to-cart.js", "utf-8")
  // Assign check to group
  groupId: group.id.apply(id => parseInt(id))
// Create new alert channels
const emailChannel = new checkly.AlertChannel("email-alert", {
  email: {
    address: "admin@webshop.com"

const slackChannel = new checkly.AlertChannel("slack-alert", {
  slack: {
    url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOUR_HOOK",
    channel: "#alerts",

const group = new checkly.CheckGroup("cart", {
  name: "Product and cart",
  activated: true,
  concurrency: 1,
  apiCheckDefaults: {},
  locations: ["eu-west-1", "eu-central-1"],
  tags: ["pulumi"],
  useGlobalAlertSettings: true,
  // Assign alert channels to entire groups or individual checks
  alertChannelSubscriptions: [
      activated: true,
      channelId: slackChannel.id.apply(id => parseInt(id)),
      activated: true,
      channelId: emailChannel.id.apply(id => parseInt(id)),
  privateLocations: []

new checkly.Check("fetch-products", {
  type: "API",
  name: "Fetch products",
  activated: true,
  frequency: 10,
  locations: ["us-east-1", "eu-central-1"],
  request: {
    method: "GET",
    url: "https://webshop.com/products",
    assertions: [
        source: "STATUS_CODE",
        comparison: "EQUALS",
        target: 200
  groupId: group.id.apply(id => parseInt(id))

new checkly.Check("add-product-to-cart", {
  type: "BROWSER",
  name: "Add to cart",
  activated: true,
  frequency: 5,
  locations: ["us-east-1", "eu-central-1"],
  script: readFileSync("./__checks__/add-to-cart.js", "utf-8")
  groupId: group.id.apply(id => parseInt(id))

Scale across teams and projects

Need hundreds or thousands of checks running at all times, giving teams the flexibility to manage their own resources independently? We take the power of IaC and apply it to monitoring.

Trusted by engineering teams at

trusted by companies for api and browser transaction monitoring

Get Started


Create a new Pulumi project

Install the Pulumi CLI and create a new project via the command line.

$ pulumi new

Install the Pulumi provider

$ npm install --save @checkly/pulumi

Export your credentials

Find your API key and account ID in your user settings and export them as environment variables.

const checkly = require("@checkly/pulumi")

new checkly.Check("fetch-products", {
  type: "API",
  name: "Fetch products",
  activated: true,
  frequency: 10,
  locations: ["us-east-1", "eu-central-1"],
  request: {
    method: "GET",
    url: "https://webshop.com/products",
    assertions: [
        source: "STATUS_CODE",
        comparison: "EQUALS",
        target: 200

Run it

Apply your Pulumi config and control your Checkly infrastructure with code.

$ pulumi up
Try out Checkly for free

Start monitoring your API endpoints and your vital site transactions.

no credit card required