The modern alternative to Pingdom for developers

checkly pingdom monitoring dashboard alternative

"Checkly is incredible: It combines Pingdom, Ghost Inspector and Assertible all in the same app, and the insights are much more detailed."

Leo Lamprecht | SVP Product

Why Checkly and not Pingdom?

Checkly is built for developers and DevOps teams eager to use a modern tool stack.

Deeper Insights

Pingdom is great when you want to know if your websites are up. But it doesn’t show you whether your web app and endpoints are working correctly and performing well.

Flexible HTTP Checks

Checkly provides powerful insights and tools to customize your checks. Instead of a simple ping, you can create fully fledged configurable HTTP checks to monitor APIs.

Powerful E2E Checks

Monitor your vital click flows in a real Chrome browser. With Checkly you can use Javascript to code your checks, instead of using a restrictive scripting editor.

Convert your checks with a simple Node script


Easily migrate from Pingdom to Checkly by using our existing Pingdom-2-Checkly migration script. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Learn more about Pingdom to Checkly


What makes Checkly unique

API monitoring for developers

Checkly enables you to create flexible HTTP Checks tailored to your needs.

  • Monitor your API for performance & correctness
  • Run custom JavaScript before and after your check with setup & teardown scripts
  • Easily create your checks with our Terraform provider and our Swagger importer

More on API monitoring

API monitoring for developers

E2E checks with real browsers

Code your checks and control exactly how they interact with a real browser.

  • Use real and worldwide distributed browsers to validate what you need using Puppeteer or Playwright
  • Run your tests constantly or via our CI/CD integrations

More on synthetic monitoring

E2E checks with real browsers
Trusted by engineering teams at
trusted by companies for api and browser transaction monitoring

Global coverage

alerting options
Get a clear picture of how your services perform for all your users around the world. Run your checks from any of our twenty data center locations spread over the Americas, EMEA, Asia Pacific, and Africa. Our datacenter locations

Try out Checkly for free

Start monitoring your API endpoints and your vital site transactions.

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