Global locations

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You can configure your run checks to run from an ever growing amount of global locations. Leveraging global infrastructure allows us to measure what the user experience is in different parts of the world.

We use Amazon Web Services to host our check runner infrastructure and follow the opening of new datacenter locations as close a possible, i.e. if a new location opens up, Checkly will be there very soon.

Current locations in Checkly are

Americas Europe/Middle East/Africa Asia Pacific
North Virginia (us-east-1) Ireland (eu-west-1) Singapore (ap-southeast-1)
Ohio (us-east-2) Frankfurt (eu-central-1) Tokyo (ap-northeast-1)
North California (us-west-1) London (eu-west-2) Osaka (ap-northeast-3)
Oregon (us-west-2) Paris (eu-west-3) Hong Kong (ap-east-1)
Montreal (ca-central-1) Stockholm (eu-north-1) Sydney (ap-southeast-2)
São Paulo (sa-east-1) Milan (eu-south-1) Seoul (ap-northeast-2)
Bahrain (me-south-1) Mumbai (ap-south-1)
Cape Town (af-south-1) Jakarta (ap-southeast-3)
Learn more about private locations to monitor your private and segregated applications and APIs.

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