Setup script examples

Fetch an external token

// explicitly import axios
const axios = require('axios')

// use 'await' on an axios HTTP get to fetch a token from a location
const { data } = await axios.get('')

// add the token as a query parameters
request.queryParameters['token'] = data.token

Sign an HMAC request

// explicitly import libraries
const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js')
const moment = require('moment')

// get keys stored in environment variables
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
const publicKey = process.env.PUBLIC_KEY

// collect the fields used in signing the request
const method = request.method
const contentType = 'application/json'
const contentMd5 = ''
const url = request.url
const host = 'localhost:8080'
const uri = url.replace(/^.*\/\/[^\/]+/, '')
const timestamp = moment().toISOString()

// create the signature
const signature = [method, contentMd5, contentType, timestamp].join(',\n')
const encryptedSignature = publicKey + ':' + CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(signature, privateKey).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64)

// set or update the results as environment variables, to be used in the HTTP request.
process.env.TIMESTAMP = timestamp
process.env.ENCRYPTED_SIGNATURE = encryptedSignature
process.env.CONTENT_TYPE = contentType

Sign an AWS API request

// explicitly import libraries
const aws4 = require('aws4')
const axios = require('axios')

// set up AWS request variables
const url = ''
const options = {
  service: 's3',
  region: 'eu-central-1',
  path: '/checkly-private-test/test.txt'

// set up AWS credentials
const credentials = {
  secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
  accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID

// use the aws4 library to sign the request
const signature = aws4.sign(options, credentials)

// fetch the data and store in an environment variable
const { data } = await axios.get(url, { headers: signature.headers })
process.env.AWS_V4_RESULT = data

Fetch an OAuth2 access token using the client_credentials grant

This example works great for OAuth2 providers like Okta and Auth0 that provide the “client_credentials” grant type.

// we use the request-promise library here as it supports posting Form data.
const requestPromise = require('request-promise')
const btoa = require('btoa')

// grab the necessary credentials set up earlier in your environment variables.

// assemble a token
const token = btoa(`${TEST_CLIENT_ID}:${TEST_CLIENT_SECRET}`)

// fetch an access token
const { access_token } = await requestPromise({
  uri: `${ISSUER}/v1/token`,
  json: true,
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    authorization: `Basic ${token}`,
  form: {
    grant_type: 'client_credentials',
    scope: DEFAULT_SCOPE,

// set the Authorization header
request.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${access_token}`

Fetch an OAuth2 access token using the password grant

This example works great for OAuth2 providers like Okta and Auth0 that provide the “password” grant type. We actually use this one ourselves for monitoring Checkly!

// we use the request-promise library here as it supports posting Form data.
const requestPromise = require('request-promise')

// grab the necessary credentials set up earlier in your environment variables.

// fetch an access token
const { access_token } = await requestPromise({
  uri: `${ISSUER}/oauth/token`,
  json: true,
  method: 'POST',
  form: {
    grant_type: 'password',
    username: USERNAME,
    password: PASSWORD,
    client_id: CLIENT_ID,
    client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
    audience: AUDIENCE

// set the Authorization header
request.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${access_token}`

Create a JWT token using the jsonwebtoken library

// we use the jsonwebtoken library as it makes creating JTW's really easy
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// grab the secret from our environment variables
const secret = process.env.SECRET

// define a helper function to sign the token
const getToken = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      expiry: Math.floor( / 1000) + (60 * 60), // set the expiry time to 60 minutes
      email: '',
      userId: '',
    }, secret , (err, token) => {
      if(err) return reject(err);

// create the token
const token = await getToken();

// set the Authorization header
request.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${token}`

Parse XML/SOAP data

To parse XML and potentially prepare a SOAP API Check, fetch the API data, parse the XML and store the parsed value in an environment variable to make it accessible in an API Check request body.

const axios = require("axios").default

// Make an XML request
const { data } = await
  `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
          <NumberToWords xmlns="">
    headers: {
      "content-type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8",

// Parse the value you're interested in
const regExp = /<m:NumberToWordsResult>(.*?)<\/m:NumberToWordsResult>/g
const result = regExp.exec(data)

if (result.length > 1) {
  // Store it in an environment variable to access it in your API Check request body
  process.env.NUMBER_TO_WORD_RESULT = result[1]
} else {
  throw new Error("Could not parse XML")

Dismiss password-protection prompt on Vercel deployment

Password-protected Vercel Deployments can be bypassed programmatically. The following script allows a check to run against both production and preview deployments while skipping the password prompt. Note that if only one of your deployments (e.g. the preview) is password-protected, you will want to skip the request via an if statement to handle the other cases.

const req = require('request-promise')

const productionUrl = process.env.PROD_URL
const vercelDeploymentPassword = process.env.PASSWORD_VERCEL

const url = process.env.ENVIRONMENT_URL || productionUrl

const options = {
  uri: url,
  simple: false,
  resolveWithFullResponse: true
try {
  const response = await{_vercel_password: vercelDeploymentPassword})
  const token = response.headers['set-cookie']
  const tokenString = token.toString().split(';')[0]
  request.headers['Cookie'] = tokenString
} catch(error) {

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