Command Line Reference

Dry run all checks in your repo:

npx checkly test

Dry run checks that have product and api in the file name

npx checkly test product api

Dry run checks while passing a specific URL and a password. These variables are available on process.env

npx checkly test --env "ENVIRONMENT_URL=" --env PASSWORD=doremiabc123

Dry run all checks against a specific location:

npx checkly test --location eu-west-1

Preview the differences between your actual configuration and your account

npx checkly deploy --preview

Deploy all resources to your Checkly account

npx checkly deploy


npx checkly test

Executes all the checks in the scope of your project on the Checkly cloud infrastructure. You can specify files to run by appending a pattern, e.g. npx checkly test home.spec.js api.

This is very powerful when combined with passing environment variables using one of the flags --env or --env-file as you can target staging, test and preview environment with specific URLs, credentials and other common variables that differ between environments.

  • --env <key=value> or -e: Pass environment variables to the check execution runtime. Passed variables overwrite any existing variables stored in your Checkly account.
  • --grep <pattern> or -g: Only run checks where the check name matches a regular expression.
  • --location <location> or -l: Run checks against a specified location, e.g. eu-west-1. Defaults to us-east-1.
  • --private-location <private location ID>: Run checks against the specified private location.
  • --env-file: You can read variables from a .env file by passing the file path e.g. --env-file="./.env"
  • --list: Just list the checks in your project, but don’t run them.
  • --timeout: A fallback timeout (in seconds) to wait for checks to complete.

npx checkly deploy

Deploys all your checks and associated resources like alert channels to your Checkly account.

  • --force or -f: Skips the confirmation dialog when deploying. Handy in CI environments.
  • --preview or -p: Preview the differences between your actual configuration and your account.
  • --output or -o: Show applied differences after deploying.

npx checkly login

Logs you in to your Checkly account and clear local credentials.

npx checkly logout

Logs you out of your Checkly account.

npx checkly whoami

Prints the account and user you are currently logged in with.

npx checkly switch

Switch which account you are logged into based on the accounts you can access with your credentials.

npx checkly runtimes

List all available runtimes and their dependencies.

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