Public dashboards

On this page

Public dashboards allow you to display checks and their related metrics on a single page. They come with their own dedicated resource:

resource "checkly_dashboard" "dashboard-main" {
  custom_url      = "danube"   // A unique subdomain name under ""
  custom_domain   = "" // A custom user domain
  logo            = ""  // URL pointing to an image/logo for the page
  header          = "Public dashboard"  // What text to display at the top of your dashboard
  refresh_rate    = 60          // How often to refresh the dashboard in seconds
  paginate        = false       // Determines if pagination is on or off
  pagination_rate = 30          // How often to trigger pagination in seconds
  hide_tags       = false       // Whether to show or hide the tags on the dashboard
  width           = "FULL"      // Determines whether to use the full screen or focus in the center
  tags = [                      // One or more tags that filter which checks to display on the dashboard
By default, if no check is specified, all checks in the account will be shown in the dashboard. If instead you want to show specific checks, you will need to use tags.

You can see all the configuration options for checks, as well as more examples, on the official Terraform registry documentation page.

You can contribute to this documentation by editing this page on Github