Project Structure

The example below is how a typical project using the Checkly CLI is organized. Most files, directories and paths are conventions you can tweak to your liking using import / require and setting glob patterns.

Directories and files

  • checkly.config.ts - Global project and CLI configuration. This one is mandatory and we recommend using TypeScript.
  • src/__checks__/* - Your TS/JS files defining Checks and other resources.
  • package.json - Standard NPM project manifest.

Here is an example directory tree of what that would look like:

|-- checkly.config.ts
|-- package.json
`-- src
    `-- __checks__
      |-- alert-channels.ts
      |-- api-check.check.ts
      `-- homepage.spec.ts

The main checkly.config.ts at the root of your project defines a range of defaults for all your checks. However, as your project grows, you will want to override these defaults for specific checks of whole groups of checks. The recommended way to tackle this is using a mix of global and local configuration.

Global Configuration

As mentioned, your global checkly.config.ts holds a set of defaults for your project, the checks in that project and some CLI commands.

const config = {
 projectName: 'Website Monitoring',
 logicalId: 'website-monitoring-1',
 repoUrl: '',
 checks: {
   activated: true,
   muted: false,
   runtimeId: '2022.10',
   frequency: 5,
   locations: ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1'],
   tags: ['website', 'api'],
   alertChannels: [],
   checkMatch: '**/*.check.js',
   browserChecks: {
     frequency: 10,
     testMatch: '**/*.spec.js',
 cli: {
   verbose: false,
   runLocation: 'eu-west-1',
   privateRunLocation: 'private-dc1'

export default config

You can find a full reference of all properties of a Project in the Project construct section

Config Intellisense

We recommend using TypeScript, but you can use JavaScript and still get some benefits of TS and add hints to your IDE by either annotating the config object type in JSDoc:

/** @type {import('@checkly/cli').ChecklyConfig} */
const config = {
  // …

module.exports = config;

Or alternatively, import and use the defineConfig helper which will provide typings intellisense without needing to annotate the object:

const { defineConfig } = require('@checkly/cli')

const config = defineConfig({
  // …

module.exports = config;

Local configuration

You can override any of the settings in the checks global configuration section at the individual check level.

// __check__/api.check.ts
import { ApiCheck, AssertionBuilder } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const api = new ApiCheck('hello-api', {
  name: 'Hello API',
  locations: ['ap-south-1'], // overrides the locations property
  frequency: 30, // overrides the frequency property
  request: {
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',
    assertions: [

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