Using Constructs

Every resource you create using the Checkly CLI is represented by a “construct”: it’s a class you import from @checkly/cli/constructs. A construct is the “as-code” representation of the eventual resource created / deleted / updated on the Checkly cloud once you run npx checkly deploy.

Remember the following rules when creating and updating constructs:

  1. Every construct needs to have a logicalId. This is the first argument when instantiating a class, i.e.
const check  = new ApiCheck('my-logical-id', { name: 'My API check' })
  1. Every logicalId needs to be unique within the scope of a Project. A Project also has a logicalId.
  2. A logicalId can be any string up to 255 characters in length.
  3. There is no hard limit on the amount of Project’s you can have in your Checkly account.

Behind the scenes, we use the logicalId to create a graph of your resources so we know what to persist, update and remove from our database. Changing the logicalId on an existing resource in your code base will tell the Checkly backend that a resource was removed and a new resource was created.

So, I guess you know now that logical IDs are important!

Creating an API Check

API checks are used to validate your HTTP based API endpoints. Let’s look at the example below as it does a couple of things:

  • It defines the basic check properties like name, activated etc.
  • It defines the HTTP method GET the url.
  • It defines an array of assertions to assert the HTTP response status is correct.
// hello-api.check.ts

import { ApiCheck, AssertionBuilder } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'
const path = require('path')
const { readFileSync } = require('fs')

new ApiCheck('hello-api-1', {
  name: 'Hello API',
  activated: true,
  request: {
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',
    assertions: [

Creating and adding an Alert Channel

When a check fails, you want to get alerted. There are two steps to take here:

  1. Create one or more alert channels. You can put them in a different file to DRY up your code, i.e. in alert-channels.ts
// alert-channels.ts

import { SmsAlertChannel, EmailAlertChannel } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const sendDefaults = {
  sendFailure: true,
  sendRecovery: true,
  sendDegraded: false,

const smsChannel = new SmsAlertChannel('sms-channel-1', {
  phoneNumber: '0031061234567890',

const emailChannel = new EmailAlertChannel('email-channel-1', {
  address: '',

module.exports = {
  1. Now you can import these channels into one or more checks by passing the objects into the alertChannels array:
// api.check.ts

import { ApiCheck } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'
import { smsChannel, emailChannel } from './alert-channels'

new ApiCheck('hello-api-1', {
  name: 'Hello API',
  alertChannels: [smsChannel, emailChannel],
  request: {
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',

Using the Constructs API

All resources you can create and manage using the Checkly CLI are derived from “constructs”. These constructs are just TypeScript classes like ApiCheck in api-check.ts and SlackAlertChannel in slack-alert-channel.ts.

You can use standard JS/TS programming to use these constructs to create the monitoring setup of your choice. Loops, variables, if-statements, file imports, extensions etc.


A Project defines core settings and defaults for the CLI and other constructs like Checks. In many cases, you can just use set defaults for your Checks in the checks property and override them occasionally at the Check or CheckGroup level.

import { defineConfig } from '@checkly/cli'

export default defineConfig({
  projectName: 'Website Monitoring',
  logicalId: 'website-monitoring-1',
  repoUrl: '',
  checks: {
    activated: true,
    muted: false,
    runtimeId: '2022.10',
    frequency: 5,
    locations: ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1'],
    tags: ['website', 'api'],
    alertChannels: [],
    checkMatch: '**/__checks__/*.check.ts',
    ignoreDirectoriesMatch: [],
    browserChecks: {
      frequency: 10,
      testMatch: '**/__checks__/*.spec.ts',
  cli: {
    runLocation: 'eu-west-1',
    privateRunLocation: 'private-dc1'
  • projectName : A friendly name for your Project.

  • logicalId : A unique identifier for this Project. Like all logical ID’s, this should be stable.

  • repoUrl : An optional URL to a Git repository.

  • checks: Top-level defaults for all Checks in this Project. If not overridden at the Check or CheckGroup level, these settings apply to your Checks. Takes all Check properties

    • checkMatch: A glob pattern where the CLI should look for files containing Check constructs. For more info check the dedicated docs on checkMatch and testMatch
    • ignoreDirectoriesMatch: An array of glob patterns which directories should be ignored by the checkMatch property.
    • browserChecks: Top-level defaults specifically for Browser Checks generated by a glob match pattern. All Check properties are valid here.
  • cli: Defaults for CLI commands.

    • runLocation: The default run location when running npx checkly test.
    • privateRunLocation: The default private run location when running npx checkly test.


The CLI currently supports two Check types: API Checks and Browser Checks. All checks share the following common properties derived from the abstract class Check.

  • name : A friendly name for your Check.
  • frequency: How often to run your Check in minutes, i.e. 60 for every hour.
  • locations: An array of location codes where to run your Checks, i.e. ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1].
  • privateLocations: an array of Private Locations slugs, i.e. ['datacenter-east-1].
  • activated: A boolean value if your Check is activated or not.
  • muted: A boolean value if alert notifications from your Check are muted, i.e. not sent out.
  • group: The CheckGroup object that this check is part of.
  • alertChannels: An array of AlertChannel objects to which to send alert notifications.
  • doubleCheck: A boolean value if Checkly should double check on failure.
  • tags: An array of tags to help you organize your Checks, i.e. ['product', 'api']
  • runtimeId: The ID of which runtime to use for this Check.
  • testOnly: A boolean determining if the Check is available only when test runs and not included when deploy is executed.

Note that most properties have sane default values and do not need to be specified.


API Checks are a good fit for monitoring typical HTTP based endpoints like REST APIs and GraphQL APIs, but can also be used for form encoded payloads. Read more about API checks in our docs

The examples below does the following:

  • It defines the basic Check properties like name, activated etc.
  • It defines the HTTP method GET and the url.
  • It sets an extra header in the headers array.
  • It sets an extra param in the queryParams array, although you could add that to the URL directly too.
  • It defines an array of assertions using the AssertionBuilder to assert that:
    • the HTTP response status is 200
    • the JSON response body has a property called name by using the JSON path expression $.name
    • the strict-transport-security response header’s max-age property has a value greater than 100000.
  • It runs a setup script and teardown script, which are just JavaScript files referenced from the same directory.

The file hierarchy looks as follows:

├── __checks__
│   ├── hello-api.check.js
│   ├── setup.js
│   ├── teardown.js
// hello-api.check.ts

import { ApiCheck, AssertionBuilder } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'
import * as path from 'path'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'

new ApiCheck('hello-api-1', {
  name: 'Hello API',
  activated: true,
  localSetupScript: readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'setup.ts'), 'utf-8'),
  localTearDownScript: readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'teardown.ts'), 'utf-8'),
  request: {
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',
    skipSsl: false,
    followRedirects: true,
    headers: [
        key: 'X-My-Header',
        value: 'My custom header value'
    queryParams: [
        key: 'myParam',
        value: 'true'
    assertions: [
        AssertionBuilder.headers('strict-transport-security', 'max-age=(\\d+)').greaterThan(10000),

The setup script just has a placeholder console.log() statement, but you can do a ton off stuff for authentication, overriding headers or other parts of the eventual HTTP request. Check our docs for examples like:

// setup.ts
console.log('this is a setup script')

Teardown script are commonly used to clean up any created test data. You can use access the previously executed HTTP request and for example delete some resource on your API

// teardown.ts
console.log('this is a teardown script')


To define assertions for the request of an ApiCheck you should use the AssertionBuilder. The AssertionBuilder provides a fluent API for the otherwise slightly cryptic JSON object that the CLI passes to the Checkly API. Here are some examples:

  • Asserting an HTTP status code.
// renders to a JSON string 
"{ source: 'STATUS_CODE', regex: '', property: '', comparison: 'EQUALS', target: '200' }"
// renders to a JSON string 
"{ source: 'STATUS_CODE', regex: '', property: '', comparison: 'EQUALS', target: '200' }"
  • Asserting the value of a part of an HTTP response header. Note that you can pass in a regex as the second argument.
AssertionBuilder.headers('strict-transport-security', 'max-age=(\\d+)').greaterThan(10000),
// renders to a JSON string 
"{ source: 'HEADERS', regex: 'max-age=(\d+)', property: 'strict-transport-security', comparison: 'GREATER_THAN', target: '100000' }"

The AssertionBuilder defines the following sources as an entry to building an assertion.

  • statusCode(): Assert the HTTP status code for the HTTP request, e.g. 200 or 404.
  • jsonBody(property?): Assert the JSON response body. Accepts a JSON path expression as the property argument.
  • textBody(): Assert the body as raw text.
  • headers(propery?, regex?): Assert a set of response headers, takes the header name as the property argument and a regex to tease out a string from the header value.
  • responseTime(): Assert the total response time of the HTTP request.

Read more about assertions in our docs on API check assertions.


Browser Checks are based on @playwright/test. You can just write .spec.js|ts files with test cases and the Checkly CLI will pick them up and apply some default settings like a name, run locations and run frequency to turn them into synthetic monitoring Checks.

However, you can override these global settings and configure individual Browser Checks just like all other built-in Check types. The most important thing is to set the code.entrypoint property and point it to your Playwright .spec.js|ts file. This property supports relative and absolute paths.

import { BrowserCheck } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

new BrowserCheck('browser-check-1', {
  name: 'Browser check #1',
  frequency: 10, // minutes
  regions: ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1'],
  code: {
    entrypoint: './home.spec.js'

When using a relative path for code.entrypoint, the CLI loads the file using the corresponding check file as a base path.


You can explicitly organize Checks in Check Groups.

This brings the following benefits:

  1. Your Checks are organized in a folder in the Checkly web UI.
  2. You can trigger all Checks in a group from the web UI and via a command line trigger.
  3. You can manage group-level configuration like the runtime, activated & muted-state, tags and alert channels that trickle down to all the Checks in the group.

Note: you will notice that managing shared configuration between Checks is very easy just using JS/TS. You might not need Check Groups for that purpose.

Adding Checks to a Check Group

You can add a Check to a group in two ways.

  1. By passing the CheckGroup object for the group property of a Check.
  2. For Browser Checks, we allow you to use the testMatch glob pattern to include any .spec.js|ts file, without having to create a BrowserCheck construct. This works the same ast the testMatch glob at the Project level.
import { CheckGroup, ApiCheck } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const group = new CheckGroup('check-group-1', {
  name: 'Group',
  activated: true,
  locations: ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1'],
  tags: ['api-group'],
  concurrency: 10,
  browserChecks: {
    testMatch: '*.spec.js'

new ApiCheck('check-group-api-check-1', {
  name: 'API check #1',
  request: {
    method: 'GET',
    url: '',
  • name : A friendly name for your Check Group.
  • concurrency: A number indicating the amount of concurrent Checks to run when a group is triggered.
  • locations: An array of location codes where to run the Checks in the group, i.e. ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1].
  • privateLocations: An array of Private Locations slugs, i.e. ['datacenter-east-1].
  • alertChannels: An array of AlertChannel objects to which to send alert notifications.
  • activated: A boolean value if all the Checks in the group are activated.
  • muted: A boolean value if alert notifications from the Checks in the group are muted, i.e. not sent out.
  • tags: An array of tags. Group tags trickle down to tags on the individual Checks. i.e. ['product', 'api']
  • runtimeId: The ID of which runtime to use for the Checks in the group.
  • environmentVariables: An array of objects defining variables in the group scope, i.e. [{ key: 'DEBUG', value: 'true' }]
  • localSetupScript: Any JS/TS code as a string to run before each API Check in this group.
  • localTearDownScript: Any JS/TS code as a string to run after each API Check in this group.
  • apiCheckDefaults: A set of defaults for API Checks. This should not be needed. Just compose shared defaults using JS/TS.
  • browserCheckDefaults: A set of defaults for Browser Checks. This should not be needed. Just compose shared defaults using JS/TS.

When adding checks to a group using testMatch, the CLI searches for files using the corresponding check file as a base path.


Alert channels let you get alert notifications when a Check fails. Learn more about alerting in our docs All alert channels share a set of common properties to define when / how they should alert derived from the abstract class AlertChannel

  • sendRecovery: A boolean if you want to receive recovery notifications.
  • sendFailure: A boolean if you want to receive failure notifications.
  • sendDegrade: A boolean if you want to receive degraded notifications. These only apply to API Checks.
  • sslExpiry: A boolean if you want to receive a notification when a SSL/TLS certificate expires. This works only for API Checks.
  • sslExpiryThreshold: A number indicating how many days before the certificate expiry date a notification will be triggered.

Alert channels are assigned to Checks and CheckGroups by instantiating a class and adding the resulting object to the alertChannels array.

Note that alert channels are only deployed to your Checkly account when referenced explicitly in the alertChannels property of a Project, CheckGroup or Check.


Sends SMS notifications to phone number. Make sure to use standard international notation.

import { SmsAlertChannel } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const smsChannel = new SmsAlertChannel('sms-channel-1', {
  phoneNumber: '0031061234567890',

Learn more about SMS alert channels


Sends email notifications to an email address. Only accepts one address, do not use multiple addresses separated by a comma.

import { EmailAlertChannel } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const emailChannel = new EmailAlertChannel('email-channel-1', {
  address: '',


Sends a Slack message to an incoming Slack webhook address. You can specify the target channel.

import { SlackAlertChannel } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const slackChannel = new SlackAlertChannel('slack-channel-1', {
  name: 'Slack channel',
  url: '',
  channel: '#ops'

Learn more about Slack alert channels


Sends a webhook to any URL. Webhooks are very powerful and have quite some options. Here is an example that send

import { WebhookAlertChannel } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const webhookChannel = new WebhookAlertChannel('webhook-channel-1', {
  name: 'Pushover webhook',
  method: 'POST',
  url: '',
  template: `{
    "message":"{{ALERT_TYPE}} {{STARTED_AT}} ({{RESPONSE_TIME}}ms) {{RESULT_LINK}}"
  • url: The URL where to send the webhook HTTP request.
  • method: A string, either GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, HEAD or DELETE just like an API Check.
  • template: This is commonly a JSON body. You can use Handlebars-style template variables to add custom data to the template.

Learn more about Webhook alert channels and available variables


Sends an alert notification to your Opsgenie account.

import { OpsgenieAlertChannel } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const opsGenieChannel = new OpsgenieAlertChannel('opsgenie-channel-1', {
  name: 'My Ops Team',
  region: 'EU',
  priority: 'P1',
  apiKey: 'xxxx123abc'
  • name: Friendly name to recognise the integration.
  • region: A string representing the Opsgenie location, either EU or US.
  • priority: A string representing the severity level, P1 to P5.
  • apiKey: An API key for your Opsgenie account.

Learn more about Opsgenie alert channels


Sends an alert notification to a specific service in your Pagerduty account

import { PagerdutyAlertChannel } from '@checkly/cli/constructs'

const pagerdutyChannel = new PagerdutyAlertChannel('pagerduty-channel-1', {
  account: 'ACME',
  serviceName: 'ACME products',
  serviceKey: '872b9b58ff4a9n06d0dl9f20487bbqwew'
  • account: The name of your Pagerduty account.
  • serviceName: The name of your service defined in Pagerduty under which the alerts should be nested.
  • serviceKey: The API key created by installing the Checkly integration in Pagerduty. We advise you to install the Pagerduty alert channel first from our UI to grab the serviceKey.

Learn more about Pagerduty alert channels

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