
To kickstart a new project with the CLI, we recommend running npm create @checkly/cli. But you can also add the CLI from scratch with the following steps.

First, install the CLI.

npm i --save-dev @checkly/cli

To use TypeScript, also install ts-node and typescript:

npm i --save-dev ts-node typescript

Create a minimal checkly.config.ts (or checkly.config.js) at the root of your project. We recommend using TypeScript.

import { defineConfig } from '@checkly/cli'

export default defineConfig({
 projectName: 'Website Monitoring',
 logicalId: 'website-monitoring-1',
 repoUrl: '',
 checks: {
   activated: true,
   muted: false,
   runtimeId: '2022.10',
   frequency: 5,
   locations: ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1'],
   tags: ['website', 'api'],
   alertChannels: [],
   checkMatch: '**/__checks__/*.check.ts',
   ignoreDirectoriesMatch: [],
   browserChecks: {
     frequency: 10,
     testMatch: '**/__checks__/*.spec.ts',
 cli: {
   runLocation: 'eu-west-1',
const config = {
 projectName: 'Website Monitoring',
 logicalId: 'website-monitoring-1',
 repoUrl: '',
 checks: {
   activated: true,
   muted: false,
   runtimeId: '2022.10',
   frequency: 5,
   locations: ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1'],
   tags: ['website', 'api'],
   alertChannels: [],
   checkMatch: '**/__checks__/*.check.js',
   ignoreDirectoriesMatch: [],
   browserChecks: {
     frequency: 10,
     testMatch: '**/__checks__/*.spec.js',
 cli: {
   runLocation: 'eu-west-1',

module.exports = config;

Use the CLI to authenticate and pick a Checkly account. Make sure you have signed up for a free account on

npx checkly login


There are different ways to authenticate when using the CLI depending on the environment where you are running the CLI from.


When running the CLI interactively from your dev environment, just use the built-in login command. If you have multiple Checkly accounts, it will prompt which account you want to target

npx checkly login

Once authenticated, you can switch between accounts using

npx checkly switch

or quickly find out which account you are currently targeting with

npx checkly whoami

From CI

When running the CLI from your CI pipeline you will need to export two variables in the shell:


Go to your Settings page in Checkly and grab a fresh API key from the API keys tab and your Account ID from the Account settings tab.

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